Extending Device Director access through a Generic Device Interface API

Updated on December 10th, 2022

Device Director has been extended to include support for devices that implement a standardized Restful API that implements the Generic Device interface, which will enable the use of the upcoming Node-RED flow-based programming microservice.

The published Generic Device Interface API to our developer community will allow new devices to be added to Device Director easily.

This API will need to provide the following functionalities to Device Director:

  • Status API with the current version
  • Create a new job
  • Get job status and progress
  • Cancel job
  • Delete a job

The API job creation will generate a unique identifier that will pass to the third-party Device to manage jobs.

Benefits of providing this Generic Device Interface API for Device Director include:

  • Job tracking withing existing Curator interfaces
  • Curator usage statistic tracking through Curator Analytics
  • Controlled and secure platform access through a defined API
  • More rapid delivery of new Devices and Workflows
  • The ability to add new devices without needing to update Device Director
  • Third parties can create compatible devices or compatibility layers

In order to allow access to contract definition and to test endpoints directly, a Swagger endpoint with documentation will be provided.

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