Live and Set Markers - how do they work?

Updated on December 8th, 2022

Live Markers and Set Markers can be enabled within the Curator for Adobe configuration found in the Configuration tab on Curator System Administrator.

These are enabled by default, and can be disabled should you wish to do so.

Live Markers -  When an editor has an asset within their sequence or in the source viewing panel, provided live markers are enabled, any logging that is made against the asset, be it subclips or bookmarks, will appear in real-time on the user's Premiere session.

Set Markers - This will show markers which already exist on an asset prior to it being brought into the users' bin from Curator. This could include things like Curator Closed Captions from AWS.

When you jump into Curator for Adobe and access the context menu, you'll need to enable live markers to allow them to work on your session. 

Once you've enabled live markers, select a parent asset within Curator that has subclips against it, import it into your bin and bring it into your sequence.

From here, you'll see the markers of where your subclips are on your timeline.

To view the markers more clearly, double-click on the asset within the sequence to open up the source viewing panel.

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