How to - Archive and Restore StorNext API

Updated on December 10th, 2022

This document is to guide how to set up mediastores that can send commands to the StoreNext API to tape the asset right away and restore the asset from the tape to Disk. StoreNext Archival will be achieved in three steps. First Step we will copy the Hires to Cache Location of the StorNext which will have some StorNext policy set on it.  Second Step we will send the command to StorNext API to tape the asset. In the third step we will delete the Hires but this step depends on customer requirements. 
Sending the Asset to StorNext Cache Location

This Mediastore is simply Xfer Copying the Hires file to StorNext Cache Location L:\Curator_archive.L:\Curator_archive - On this Location the StorNext Policy is set which is to tape any new asset that comes into this folder after one hour. In your case, it could be different so bear that in mind.





       <MediaStoreDescription>The MediaStores used to archive a source Hi-Res file to and retrieve the file from StorNext.</MediaStoreDescription>


       <OutputProfile>Xfer Copy</OutputProfile>







Mediastore to Send command to StorNext API to Archive

 Before setting up the mediastore in PE, you need to set up the Device and Profile of StorNext in Device Director. You will create a new StorNext device, you will name the device and fill in the IP address of the StorNext device, and hit continue 
Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

it will ask you for the username and password to access StorNext


Graphical user interface, text

Description automatically generated

The device should come online after creation. Now you need to set up Archive and Restore profiles in DD. You would create a new profile for StorNext it will ask you Archive or Restore name and copies. For Archive we are doing 2 copies it will be different in your case. For the Restore process, I have the Restore Copies option as blank. 


Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated  

Graphical user interface, text

Description automatically generated  

 Once you have both device and profiles set up in DD, you can create mediastore, example shown below












       <MediaStoreDescription>The MediaStores used to archive a source Hi-Res file to and retrieve the file from StorNext.</MediaStoreDescription>












       <Workflow>Spawn - StorNext Archive or Restore</Workflow>

 You would call this above mediastore from the Plugin, you can daisy chain the HI-RES-DELETE mediastore to delete the hires only from the disc. Truncation of the asset from StorNext cache location L: drive in the above example and stub the file will be handled by StorNext Policy.   
Mediastore to Send command to StorNext API to Restore












       <MediaStoreDescription>The MediaStores used to archive a source Hi-Res file to and retrieve the file from StorNext.</MediaStoreDescription>















       <Workflow>Spawn - StorNext Archive or Restore</Workflow>

Important Information
Host:                     Host will be the hostname of IP address of StorNext
Source:                 Assuming you have already configured Archive mediastore
Version:               Spawn - StorNext Archive or Restore 1.4.1
PrefixSwap:        You would add a key in Global MediaStore StoreNextPrefixSwap, you would add your Linux to windows swap there like this 

 In the above example we have L: drive as windows and Linux path /stornext/snarchive

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