Gateway - How to swap between http and https
No Certificate, no https fully supported
Often when deploying Gateway, especially pre 2.4 curator release, we have had the option to not tie in Curator gateway.
Moving forward, Gateway is not only supported by more products but must be configured to work. Depending on the circumstance at each site, we may need to allow http authentication, (therefore disabling some integration with gateway), but by default we will try to use https.
Below are some of the settings you need to be aware of and how we can alter them to make integration work based on the environment.
This section is how we essentially ignore Curator Gateway for the most part.
In Service configs, we want to be sure that any https calls within them are set to http, since we still will need to work with curator gateway, but not over https.
You will see in the web.configs a section that looks for:
<add key="GatewayRootURL" value="https://HOSTANME.domain/CuratorGateway" />
You can populate this, however what we really want to do, is not use gateway to auth at all, rather we want to revert back to the older forms method.
Further below in the web config you will find a section:
<authentication mode="None" />
And some detail in the comments around it.
Comment this line out, and un-comment the section immediately below it starting at:
<authentication mode="Forms">
and ending in:
You should see the comments around this section help confirm this.
Now the website is configured to use older forms authentication and http calls.
You'll also need to setup gateway to behave over http as well, this will require the appsettings.json file to be configured to ignore https
Self signed vs Qualified certificates
details of how to resolve it.