StorNext - Required Storage Settings

Updated on December 10th, 2022

StorNext - Required Storage Settings


Utilising StorNext as the storage solution for Curator proxies, could result in strange issues such as the following:

- Sporadic Xcode proxy failures

- Short Xfer MUD HLS-FMP4 proxies


Within StorNext versions 6.2 and below, there are known Oplock issues which could result in the issues mentioned above. This is because of how Curator applications utilize certain files on the StorNext device. For example, Xfer MUD will need to read a growing Xcode proxy on the StorNext and at the same write a re-wrapped HLS-FMP4 proxy to the same storage. This has been found as problematic due to how the Oplock behavior functioned in the mentioned versions.

The recommendation provided by StorNext is the following:

"We are recommending the use of StorNext 6.3.0 and StorNext NAS 2.3.0 for use with Curator setups. This is because older versions of StorNext will expose you to Oplock related issues. It may be possible to sidestep the issue in older versions by disabling Oplocks. However, doing so must be done globally for the NAS instance (it is not a pre-share configurable) and requires using a backdoor interface. There is also a performance penalty to disabling oplocks. Therefore, our advice is to upgrade to know functioning StorNext versions."

If upgrading is not possible, then disabling Oplocks is the advised route. In addition to disabling I/O tokenisation. 

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