When attempting to uninstall the IPV Premiere Pro Importer, the uninstaller may fail prematurely:
This, in turn, stops the latest panel from being installed, with the same error being encountered in IPV Curator for Adobe:
- Navigate to the following location: InstallDir\IPVImporter\IPVImporter.prm. Delete this file.
- To remove the plugin from within Adobe, ensure first that Premiere Pro is closed. Then navigate to the following location: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore\IPVImporter\. Remove the file IPVImporter.prm.
- Open up Regedit. Navigate to the following directory: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall. Export this folder as a backup, then find the item within this folder for the IPV Importer (The folder name may be a GUID). Once happy, remove the item.
- Attempt to install IPV Curator for Adobe. Should the above error continue to occur, download the following Microsoft tool, which should clean any corrupt Importer file remnants: