Curator Logger for Generic Team Sports

Updated on December 10th, 2022

This document can be used to aid the setup of the Curator Logger for use with Team Sports, including the Time of the match control feature. Please see the prerequisites including the Metadata Central Teragator required for Sports Logging.

If you are updating to Curator Logger or newer supported by Metadata Central Teragator 2.0.4 or newer from Curator Logger 2.1 release, supported by Metadata Central 1.4.1 build 1.0.543 you will need to convert the Neo4j database as described for Metadata Central Teragator. 

When updating to Curator Logger or newer from Curator Logger 2.2 release you will need to remove the Sequence metadata from each of the Logging Views and rerun scripts 2. Generic Sport Actions.sql and 4. Logging View.sql for each of the sports as the view handling has changed.

For the update to Curator Logger (Curator 3.4)  execute only the updated script 1. TeamSports Generic.sql. The views and Actions are unchanged from earlier versions. You may want to apply the optional keyMetadataName and UseFirstAsSourceOfTruth settings in the web.config and add the Time of Match (AddMatchTimemarkers.sql and <Tab name="Match Time"> in the config file).


  • Completed Curator System deployment including configured Ingest Functionality Module
    Curator 3.4 or 3.3.1 is recommended, individual software minimal versions are Curator Server, Curator Server, Curator Logger, note the preamble above for upgrading to different versions of Curator Logger and Teragator.

  • Installed optional Curator Service Metadata Central Teragator 2.0.4 for Curator 3.4 (compatible with Curator 3.3.1) and its prerequisites.
    ETL service within is to be configured to ingest the required Sports data.
    Installation and configuration of Metadata Central older than  2.0.4 is more complicated and not described in the link above. 
  • Downloaded Curator Logger for Generic Team Sports - Configuration package as found in Software/Configuration Sets subfolderof Curator installers.  
    • The following scripts will be used in order to configure the database with the required definitions for sports logging:
      • 1. Team Sports Generic.sql;
      • 2. Generic Sport Actions.sql
      • 4. Logging View.sql
      • The optional AddMatchTimeMarkers.sql script is needed if you will configure the Time of Match feature, available for Soccer.
    • The following XML files should be used to describe the buttons for the sports. 
      The XML files with button options must be named according to this rule: [Sport]ActionButtons.xml, where [Sport]has to correspond to a name for Sport as present in MDC Teragator data.
      • BaseballActionButtons.xml
      • BasketballActionButtons.xml
      • HockeyActionButtons.xml
      • SoccerActionButtons.xml

The above are ready to use example files. Please note that these were created for specific cases and may require adjustment for customer sites.


Installation steps to deploy Logger

  1. Complete prerequisites

  2. Install Curator Logger (Curator Web Applications Installation )

  3. Configure Logger web.config

  4. Configure Curator Gateway to use this installation of Curator Logger.


Configuration steps to deploy Logger

  1. Ensure that the action button XML files for the sports you require are in the Curator Server under [Curator Server installation path]/Options, with the correct Sport name used. Four provided can be found attached in here.

  2. Edit the SQL script '1. Team Sports Generic.sql ' as downloaded within the prerequisites steps.

    1. Set the MDC TeragatorHost (line 8) to be the name of the machine on which MDC is installed.

    2. Run the script. It should complete without errors. 

    3. If you already had a Rating metadata name defined you may find it has extra options, as the script will add enum values of 1,2,3,4,5 with display values: 1 Star; 2 Star, 3 Star, 4 Star, 5 Star.  It will not delete previous values to avoid data loss. Adjust to the site requirement if these are different from this (customer may want to transfer the site’s values to the star system). Post-deployment you may wish to visualise the values as ⭐stars. Use CSA  to modify display values for the enum metadata Rating. Load the metadata, click on the values in the Enumeration values row and enter stars for display name as required e.g. ⭐⭐⭐ where “3 Star” was. The star shown here is a standard emoji symbol, sometimes referred to as the "white star".

  3. When upgrading to Curator Logger or newer remove Sequence metadata from Sport(s) Logging View(s). This is so that the layout can be reconfigured by the following steps.

  4. Decide which sport(s) you wish to log, and for each sport do the following:

    1. Edit the SQL script ‘2. Generic Sport Actions.sql’.

    2. In lines 6-9 adjust the commenting to enable only the sport required. 
      If you are setting up a Sport other than one of the four available make sure that you set the value to the name of the Sport exactly as present in the MDC Teragator data.

    3. Run the script. This will set up the resource linking the button XML file to the appropriate metadata name.

    4. Edit the SQL script ‘4. Logging View.sql’.

    5. In lines 7-10 adjust the commenting to enable only the sport required. It must be the same as the sport selected in 7b.

    6. Run the script. This will add a logging view for that sport. 

    7. Repeat from 7a-7f for each sport required, only one sport to be left uncommented at the time.

    8. The logging views set up by this script for all sports are identical, just have different names. You can add additional buttons to any View of choice as normal making them unique.

    9. The view added by a script manipulation of the database is not recognised as altered by Curator, open Curator System Administrator and for each of the views of interest add any metadata and Save. Remove the metadata and save if it was not required.

  5. Edit the Curator Logger config file.

    1. Set up your proxy streaming properties

    2. Replace the <viewSelections> section of web config with code in Sports Logging Metadata Views (shown below):

        <view name="GameSelectionMediaView" display="Sports Metadata View" keyMetadataName="Sport">
            <view name="SoccerLoggingView" display="Football" numberOfColumns="2" keyMetadataValue="Soccer"/>
            <view name="BasketballLoggingView" display="Basketball" numberOfColumns="2" keyMetadataValue="Basketball"/>
            <view name="HockeyLoggingView" display="Hockey" numberOfColumns="2" keyMetadataValue="Hockey"/>
            <view name="BaseballLoggingView" display="Baseball" numberOfColumns="2" keyMetadataValue="Baseball"/>
      1. (New) You can now set up optional parent metadata, here Sport, to select the view based on its value. If this metadata is present, the corresponding view rather than first in the set will load automatically. If the values are not set behaviour is not changed. The keys keySelectMetadata for Game Selection Media View and corresponding in logging views are optional and can be removed if not required.

    3. Keep only those sports required.


Deploying the Time of Match feature

NOTE: This feature is designed for football/soccer at this time and will be of limited use to sports with different match sections and their numbers.

  1. Run the SQL script AddMatchTimeMarkers.sql.

  2. Edit the Curator Logger config file to configure the new MatchTime control.

    1.  Uncomment in the <AssetInfo> section the <Tab name="Match Time"> as indicated in the code (shown below).

            <Tab name="Match Time">
                <Control type="MatchTime" metadata="MatchTimeMarkers" subType="Soccer" matchTimeMetadata="MatchTime" matchSessionMetadata="MatchSession"/>

Using Curator Logger for Team Sports

The simplest use case for this is on a single primary asset (media, audio or image) with no relevant game metadata saved.

  1. Open a web browser and connect to the logger site.
    NOTE: You may be asked to log in via Curator Gateway.

  2. Logger will open. You should see the familiar tree view and asset list page. 

  3. Double-click a single Media or Audio, or select a scratchpad, folder or set of assets and click Start Logging

  4. The logger page will open. If you do not yet have Game metadata saved, the Metadata Settings dialog will be presented.

    1. Fill in the first 6 fields by selecting from the options provided. All data for these fields is supplied by MDC Teragator.

    2. Save will then be enabled.

    3. Save your data and the dialog will close.

    4. It is also possible to select the Batch logging tab at this point to select the asset from which read the Game Metadata (Source of Truth asset). if you do not set this now you will be prompted once you select Batch, unless the UseFirstAsSourceOfTruth is set.

  5. The Logging page will now be available.

    1. Players for the selected teams are available.

    2. Action buttons for the selected sport are displayed.

  6. You are ready to start logging using the video panel (set in-out points for clipmarks) and assigning data from the logging controls.

The default logging view will be the first child view specified in the web config, or one matching the declared viewSelectValue, e.g. a sport if this setting is used.

If you implemented Match Time logging this will display in a tab under the video panel (only relevant to soccer (US) / football (UK)) 


Batch Logging

Batch logging allows log page data to be set against multiple primary assets (media, audio, image) with a single Save action.
NOTE: In this mode it is not possible to mark in/out/bookmark values, and configured handles will be ignored.


  1. Add an entry to the child view selection that includes the setting media=”true” e.g.     
    <view name="BaseballLoggingView" display="Baseball" media=”true” numberOfColumns="2" />  

    1. Optionally set <add key="UseFirstAsSourceOfTruth" value="true" /> in the web.config file to remove the need for and ability to select the asset to use as Source of Truth for parent metadata; the first loaded asset will be always used. Parent Metadata is the metadata present in the view selected for top (parent) level of <viewSelections> - in the example above, this would be GameSelectionMediaView

  2. Select multiple primary assets from the Browse page (or from a Folder or a Collection containing primary assets) and click Start Logging.

    1. Avoid selecting clipmarks for now - you will end up affecting their parent media/audio.

  3. The Logging page will appear, displaying multiple items in the Sidebar.

  4. Media Metadata dialogue may open - this will apply to the highlighted asset only. Close it.

  5. Select the view that corresponds to media=true setting. It will have a media icon next to it rather than a clipmark icon.

  6. Open the sidebar and select the assets you want to log. Hover over a thumbnail to see the name and the checkbox on the right, then select Done or click outside the sidebar. Further logging will apply only to the selected assets.

  7. Note that above the video player you now have a Batch Logging badge displayed. The Save button will now display Save Batch.
    These act as a reminder that any action you take will apply to all assets in the selected batch.

  8. You will be prompted for Media Metadata, now applying to all assets in your selection.

    1. For Sports as on a single asset, you have to provide the 6 required metadata items so that the logging page can be set up for an appropriate Sport and Game’s rosters and Actions.

  9. Start setting values on the Logging page.

  10. When complete, click Save Batch to save your settings. Batch mode will exit.

To Exit batch mode before making a log:

  1. Open the Sidebar by clicking on it.

  2. Select Edit Batch.

  3. Deselect assets individually until you have only one left OR deselect all assets using the checkbox above the first item.

  4. Click Done.

    1. Only a single item in the list will be highlighted.

    2. The Batch Logging badge with disappear.

    3. The Save button will revert to Save text.


New Logger Features for Team Sports

This section highlights some of the new features that have been added to the logger to allow team sport logging.

  1. Sequence Control. For linking players with actions in a user specified order.

    1. The order of events can be adjusted by drag-and-drop.

    2. You now have the ability to hide/show players from the list (use the Edit button above each player list to achieve this).

    3. You now have the ability to reorder players by drag-and-drop.

    4. Only the selected event will be highlighted in player action lists when selected.

  2. Switch Control. See Favourite for example. Useful for boolean metadata.

  3. Toggle Control. Not illustrated but a simple toggle button. Useful for boolean metadata.

  4. Ability to save with no in/out/bookmark. 

    1. Duplicates Log button functionality in Sports Logger.

    2. Applies handles to current video playhead position and saves data as a new sub-clip.  

  5. Sidebar to show items selected for edit.

  6. Ability to select multiple items from the asset view without requiring a collection.

  7. Ability to select multiple items by Shift/Ctrl-clicking on them.

  8. Ability to log against the contents of folders.

    1. Select a folder (single click).

    2. Click on the Start Logging button underneath the folder tree.

    3. Logging page will open with selected items in Sidebar.

  9. Batch Logging.

    1. Requires extra setup. See the Batch Logging section above. Allows setting of logging page data against many primary assets with a single Save.

  10. From Curator Logger 2.2

    1. Configurable number of Tabs under the player, each tab configured using views or <Durations> statements or their combinations.

    2. Time of Match - additional configuration using <Controls> component in Tabs.


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