Within each web plugin configuration file, typically found in the below location:
-C:\Program Files\IPV\Curator\Server\Config\w[System Administrators]-u[]-win[]-m[]\WebApplications\CuratorClipSelect\Plugins
You have the ability of configuring various filter options to determine which assets in the system can utilise the plugin. This section by default looks like the below:
<allow type="media"/>
<allow type="audio"/>
<allow type="image"/>
At it's most basic, as illustrated above, the plugin can be restricted on an asset type basis. For example, only media assets can use this plugin. Therefore, only <allow type="media"/> is required within the classes tags.
*Deny types are not valid in this section
However, often ignored is the instances tags. These tags are extremely powerful and can be utilise to ensure the plugin is only used for specific groups of assets. This is based on the actual metadata an asset has. For example, here is what the default values look like:
<allow type="id" value=""/>
<deny type="id" value=""/>
<allow type="metadata" metadataName="" value=""/>
<deny type="metadata" metadataName="" value=""/>
As showcased above, there are two types that can be configured. The first, ID, allows you to state that asset id X is allowed or is denied access to this plugin. This is beneficial if you know that certain assets should never be allowed access to this plugin, or alternatively is the only asset that should have access.
However, the second option, allows you to configure rules around the metadata fields an asset may have. Let's take the below example:
<allow type="id" value=""/>
<deny type="id" value=""/>
<allow type="metadata" metadataName="Origin" value="London"/>
<deny type="metadata" metadataName="Archived" value="True"/>
In the above example, only assets that have an origin value of London and are not archived can use the plugin. This may be beneficial for multi-site environments, where the plugin will carry out an action specifically designed for assets in London.
*In the current form this section can only be utilised for hard coded values. For example ENUM or Boolean fields. They do NOT work for wildcards. A JIRA has been raised for this.
Attached is an example configuration file, with a very detailed comment section outlining the key things to remember when doing the above.