Curator Clip Link Config (partial article)

Updated on December 10th, 2022

This article is PRIVATE to you.

Curator Clip Link Config

Open web.config in text editor On the IIS server, open IIS manager and browse to the Curator Clip Link directory by right-clicking and selecting the Explore option:

Open the web.config file in a text editor.


"Thumbnail VTT Location" key value

Search for the ThumbnailVttLocation key and replace the value with the fully qualified domain name for the webserver and the virtual directory configured during the ingest functionality deployment.


<add key="ThumbnailVttLocation" value="https://WEBSERVER/Proxies/WebProxy/{proxy-path}/{name}/{name}_thumbnail.vtt" />


<add key="ThumbnailVttLocation" value="https://IIS_HOST/Proxies/WebProxy/{proxy-path}/{name}/{name}_thumbnail.vtt" />

Set the Curator Logger endpoint

Search for:  

<OpenInLogger url="https://localhost/CuratorLogger/Log?assetId={id}" enabled="true" />

Setting (enabled="false") will hide the option in the Clip Link menu.

If Logging is required, replace localhost with the webserver hosting the logger application and set enabled="true":

<OpenInLogger url="https://IIS_HOST/CuratorLogger/Log?assetId={id}" enabled="true" />

Recover Old Config The next few steps regard recovering old configuration from the previously backed up Curator Clip Link config file from 3.0.

Replace Metadata View names

Find the following keys and replace the value with the required metadata views:

<add key="SearchFilterViewName" value="SearchLevelView" />

Replace Pinned Searches Find the PinnedSearches tag and add all the missing lines below the cleartag:
<clear />
<add imageFileName="Example.svg" tooltip="Example Search" searchParameters="?assetFilter=159&amp;s=ingestdate&amp;d=descending" />

Replace Add To Collections

Find the AddToCollection tag and change the values as required, adding missing metadata names within the Path Metadata tag if necessary.

<MetadataView name="Collections" />
<BaseLocation name="Library" /
<Metadata name="CollectionType" />
<Metadata name="CollectionDestination" />
<Metadata name="Priority" />

Replace Metadata Tabs

Find the AssetPopupInfo tag and add any missing tabs:

<View name="Example MetadataView" display="Display Name" parent="false" />

Finish Save the file.

Recover Pinned Searches Images

Replace any missing images in:


Recover Custom Plugins

Replace any missing custom plugins in the plugins top-level folder:


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