Approval MediaStore Configuration

Updated on December 8th, 2022

Approval MediaStore Configuration.


Setting up and Configuring the Approval Process

When restoring assets from archive (typically) we have the option to approve or deny the restore based on a number of parameters automatically, and also deliver the request for approval or rejection to admins if these are met.


Destination mediastores will typically be called using the generic Send to Destination plugin (Plug-in - Send to GenericV4" workflow, that looks for a key in the destination mediastore called:

"ApprovalRequired" - set to True or False to determine off the bat if we want o invoke the approval process.

The next key it will look for is:

"ApprovalRequiredFrom" - Used to determine who will be notified about approval. We can do some things here where another store is called, or the current destination store is referenced, depending on what we want to do. Typically we should use in this key one of the default approval stores or a clone of one "APPROVAL-BY-YOURGROUP"


Here we can specify a reason for approval, the curator folder location pending approvals will be found, a single user or email distribution group that can be notified a pending approval is set (note only one email can be used here). A duration trigger, so if an asset is over a certain duration the approval is based on this. A default name of approve to be displayed back to end user when receiving outcome.

Back to the destination mediastore, once the above arguments are set, the workflow will look for a key called:

"ApprovalStore" - Used to set other approval requirements, things like cost thresholds but specifically used to apply a further spawned workflow using:

"ApprovalWorkflow" - used to set a workflow to determine the outcome of approval arguments set.



An Example destination Mediastore could look like this, referencing itself in both ApprovalRequiredFrom and ApprovalStore, it has all the BASE requirements for these two parts of approval to get an approval met, note how fields are missing like CuratorFolder and Email, these have default values where not set, or don't need a value set, and can continue without one:


If the ApprovalRequiredFrom was set to the first example image mediastore, we would set email, duration etc in addition to the cost and workflow arguments.

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