Excluding Specific File Types from Curator Connect & XChangeManager Ingest

Updated on December 9th, 2022

Sometimes It's necessary to put certain file extensions and/or bad files by the side and prevent them from Ingesting within Curator. This guide will cover how you can prevent certain file extensions from Ingesting via Curator Connect & XChangeManager.

 Curator Connect Ingest:

We will assume that you are using the CURATORCONNECT-INGEST media store to perform this ingest. You can check which media store you are using for Curator Connect ingest when you navigate to: 

Curator System Administrator -> Configuration -> Select Curator Connect -> Click on the most recent JSON version -> CTRL + F and search for “Media Store”. Down below is a screenshot that should show your final destination:

You will need to check whether all workgroups are using the same media store and validate if you need to change it for one group or many with IPV or the customer.

1. Navigate to Process Engine Monitor.

(By default: https://FQDN/ProcessEngineMonitor/)

2. Open the Media Stores tab.

3. Search for CURATORCONNECT-INGEST and open It.

4. Check If a Key ExcludeRegexFileName is present within the Media Store, if not make sure to add It as shown in the screenshot, you can do this by clicking on Edit and then adding the Key/Value. In this scenario, we are excluding all files from Ingest that are beginning with a (dot and underscore) “._"





The above Is the simplest example. You can manipulate the Value in the Media Store to exclude files to your liking, by following this syntax:








(Multiple file exclusions example)


If you'd like changing to an extension of preference, you can just replace the extension In the Value with the desired one or add an additional one by separating the values with a pipe |.

5. Once the Media Store is saved, whenever you attempt to Ingest files with those extensions via Curator Connect, you will have the ability to run them through Curator Connect, but they will Immediately fail Ingesting In the system with a similar error:

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated with medium confidence
No Assets to Ingest after processing the manifest XML.

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