How to install Plugins within IPV Web Applications

Updated on December 8th, 2022

Table of Contents



When installing/upgrading Clip Link/Select, plugins will not be configured and usable by default.

The plugin config files will however exist within the install directory of the web applications. Some configuration to Curator Server is required to get the plugins functional.


The server-side config files need to be in a specific location in the Curator Server install directory for them to appear.

Firstly, navigate to the install files for either Clip Link/Select.

Typically, these are located at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\CuratorClipSelect\Plugins and C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ClipLink\Plugins.

Within these directories, you will find the plugins that are available to use with the website as default. 

Within each folder, there will be a .config file that you will need to copy and place into the correct location on the Curator Server install.



The following instructions are only relevant for Curator Server versions 2.15 and below. For versions 2.16+, the default folders are automatically created and look like the following:

C:\Program Files\IPV\Curator\Server\Config\w[]-u[]-win[]-m[]\WebApplications\CuratorClipLink\Plugins

Note: the folder structure for this section must be exact.

Navigate to where Curator Server has been installed and go to C:\Program Files\IPV\Curator\Server\Config (Path may be slightly different depending on install). From here, create a folder called WebApplications and within that folder, create sub-folders for both CuratorClipLink and CuratorClipSelect.

In each of those sub-directories, create a workgroup[]-user[]-winid[]-machine[] folder, and create a Plugins folder from within that folder.

Once completed, your folder structure should look like this on the Curator Server

C:\Program Files\IPV\Curator\Server\Config\WebApplications\CuratorClipLink\workgroup[]-user[]-winid[]-machine[]\Plugins

C:\Program Files\IPV\Curator\Server\Config\WebApplications\CuratorClipSelect\workgroup[]-user[]-winid[]-machine[]\Plugins 

If the folder structure above is not created correctly, then the plugins will not display.

Within both Plugins folders mentioned above, copy and paste the .config files from C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ClipLink\Plugins or C:\inetpub\wwwroot\CuratorClipSelect\Plugins on the IIS server for each plugin you wish to install.

For example, to install the plugin CreateProduction for Clip Select, go to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\CuratorClipSelect\Plugins\CreateProduction on the IIS server, copy the CreateProduction.config file and paste it in C:\Program Files\IPV\Curator\Server\Config\WebApplications\CuratorClipSelect\workgroup[]-user[]-winid[]-machine[]\Plugins on Curator Server.

Repeat these steps for each plugin, on each web application. Be sure to copy the correct config file for each web app as they may be different. Once all the config files are in place, it should look like the below.

Each of the config files will need to be configured to ensure they are pointing at the correct process definitions. Typically, you will find that on line 15 of the file, there is a PEServiceConfiguration line that you will need to ensure that the processDefinitionName has been set to a Process Definition that exists within Process Engine. Take care to ensure that the names are exact: for instance, some will be written as Plugin instead of Plug-in, etc. If the plugin doesn’t exist, you will need to import it. It can normally be found in the plugin folder from C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ClipLink\Plugins or C:\inetpub\wwwroot\CuratorClipSelect\Plugins. (If the file cannot be found, contact IPV Support)

To check the plugins have installed on the websites, restart IIS, restart your web browser if open, go to the webpage and log in. Your newly installed plugins will then be available to use.

In Clip Link, these will be available from the context menu:

This is accessed by clicking an asset or from the top right on the toolbar.

In Clip Select, these will be available in the form of a set of icons from the top of the screen.

Known issues

There is currently a bug with the View Asset History plugin where the OK button doesn’t close the plugin window. This can be fixed by editing the ViewAssetHistory.js file within C:\inetpub\wwwroot\CuratorClipSelect\Plugins\ViewAssetHistory and C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ClipLink\Plugins\ViewAssetHistory. On line 114, the following config can be found: 

thisTmp.cancelCallback({ processArguments: args });

Simply remove the { processArguments: args } part and save the file. Click OK to close the plugin window.

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