Delivery Workflow - Copy/Move files to a file directory

Updated on December 8th, 2022

Using Curator 3.2 and beyond, hi-res and other files can be moved around on storage from one location to another.

This guide explains how to move a hi-res file from one location to a destination location.

It is assumed that you have a functioning Curator system that holds assets with metadata linking to the current hi-res locations.

Configuring a mediastore

Out of the box within Process Engine, you should have a default DELIVERED-HI-RES mediastore.

This is the mediastore which can be called either via a plugin or a scavenge. This mediastore needs to be configured in order to ensure that, when called upon, it does what is required.

To do this, you should first clone this mediastore as this will allow you to avoid editing the original; creating a clone will also allow the mediastore to be renamed to something more unique explaining the mediastore's task.

Once cloned, the fields which are important for delivery are as follows:

Path: This is the Path where you want the file delivered. You should use UNC paths here and ensure that Xfer has access to both the source file and read/write permissions to the destination.

OutputProfile: This is the profile used from Device Director. There are two options here:

  • Xfer Copy - this copies the file to the specified location
  • Xfer Move - this moves the file to the specified location

MediastoreDescription: This is a free text field which can be relabelled to describe the purpose of the mediastore.

DeviceGroup: If you have a specific device group in Device Director that you want to use for this task, you can enter that here. If not, leave this blank.

MetadatafieldSelector: This will create a report in the same directory as the delivered file, reporting on the metadata fields which are entered in the field separated by a comma. In most cases, this field should be left blank.

ChecksummetadataKey: This key by default will do a md5checksum on the destination to ensure no duplicates are created/moved. In most cases, this can be removed and left blank.

Source: The source of which file should be moved. If you want to move/copy the hi-res, typically this should be configured as Hi-RES. If you want to move/copy the proxy files, this should be configured as PROXY-V3

Once all of the above fields have been configured, select Save Changes to confirm the mediastore configuration.

Creating a plugin

Next, a plugin option must be created to use against assets in Curator so that it is forwarded to the configuration you have just built.

Two guides that are worth reading before progressing in order to further understand plugins are as follows:

Comprehensive plugin configuration guide:

Plugin permissions:

To create a plugin option, from Curator Server, browse to the Curator Service install location, then to the plugins store.
This will typically be located here: C:\Program Files\IPV\Curator\Server\Config

From the plugins store, select the workgroup folder, and browse to the respective application, for example: C:\Program Files\IPV\Curator\Server\Config\w[System Administrators]-u[]-win[]-m[]\WebApplications\CuratorClipLink\Plugins

Next, you'll need to add an additional option within a pre-existing plugin to call the mediastore you configured earlier.
If you wish, you can create an entirely new plugin. We advise following the below instructions and using the knowledge contained in the linked articles above to help you create a new plugin.

We suggest modifying the 'SendToDestination' plugin. (if this doesn't exist, a copy should exist within the default folder).To do this, you should open the file in notepad ++, and add a line of config to apply an additional drop-down option within your plugin (the line you will need to add is highlighted in the example below):

This line should include the display name of the drop-down option, and the location path for the mediastore you created.

Once amended, save the file, and if required copy the plugin config to the Clip Select application and other workgroups where required.

You should now have an additional drop-down option available within your plugin on Clip Link or Clip Select.
This can be tested by selecting an asset (or multiple assets) in Curator and then using your plugin against them.

Following the use of the plugin, Process Engine and Device Director jobs will be spawned respectively to tackle the task of moving and copying files.

Once the jobs have been completed (they will display as green when complete) check the locations to confirm the files have been moved/copied.

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