Unable to start the Process Engine service. When looking at the logs (Example Directory: C:\Program Files\IPV\Process Engine Service\Logs) it may outline that the Licence Manager has failed due to an OutOfMemoryException error. If the service is subsequently started, this may work successfully. However, the Process Engine log files may contain the following:
With Event Viewer showing:
The issue, which is resolved from Process Engine version 2.7+**, is usually related to the number of concurrent jobs Process Engine is configured with inside the Licence Manager licences.xml.
From previous occurrences of this issue, when the value is set to 100 or more, issues can arise (Although Process Engine may actually run stable for a period of time). Therefore to fix this, please contact a member of Support and supply them with a copy of your licence.xml. They will then be able to reduce the value and provide an updated licence.
With the new licence in place, restart both the Licence Manager and Process Engine services.
NOTE: In Process Engine 2.7+, The number of concurrent parent jobs can be set from within the Process Engine service config, as opposed to the Licence Manager licence. This eliminates the risk of Licence Manager running out of memory. Contact Support for more info.