Curator’s failed ingest functionality allows you to identify files that haven’t ingested, find out why, then solve the issue in a few clicks.
Using Failed Ingest in Curator Clip Link
To view any assets that have failed to ingest, scroll to the Ingest Status section on the left-hand pane. Tick the box for Ingest Failed.
The displayed assets will automatically be filtered to show only those that have failed to ingest.
To restart the ingest process, click on the asset you want to re-ingest and select Restart ingest.
Working out why an asset has failed to ingest
To see why an asset has failed to ingest, you’ll need to look at its metadata. Click the Edit Metadata button underneath the player to see all of the metadata connected to the asset.
The metadata fields that show why an asset has failed to ingest all contain the word exists – for example, Proxy Exists. To see just these fields, type in exists in the Metadata Name filter option.
If the fields have a tick next to them, they have been created successfully and are not the cause of the issue. If a field doesn’t have a tick next to it, it hasn’t been created and is a reason for the unsuccessful ingest. For example, in this case Proxy Exists? is not ticked, so it is clear that the proxy is the problem.
Failed Ingest in Clip Select
It's also possible to use the failed ingest functionality in Clip Select. This works in exactly the same way as described above, with any assets that have failed ingest being moved to the Failed folder under Ingest.