Bind Certificate in IIS

Updated on December 10th, 2022

Open up IIS Within Windows, open “Internet Information Services":

Select your site and the Bindings option
In IIS select the name of your site in the left 'Connections' panel.  Then select 'Bindings... ' in the right 'Actions' panel under 'Edit Site'.  

If you want or need to add a new binding (to edit existing see further below) Select 'Add'. 

Complete the add binding steps Change the 'Type' option to 'https'.  Select the new certificate in the 'SSL certificate' area using the dropdown and Select button.  Click OK. 

Edit existing binding If you have an existing binding you wish to use with the new SSL Certificate you can use this option.  Select the binding you wish to update and select 'Edit'.

Complete the edit binding steps

Select the new certificate in the 'SSL certificate' area using the dropdown and Select button.  Click OK.  
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