Open web.config in text editor | On the IIS server, open IIS manager and browse to the Curator Clip Link directory by right clicking and selecting the explore option:![]() Open web.config file in a text editor. |
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Replace "Video Server Address" key value |
Search for the "VideoServerAddress" key and replace the value with the fully qualified domain name for the IIS host and remove the trailing port. Replace: <add key="VideoServerAddress" value="https://WEBSERVER" /> With: <add key="VideoServerAddress" value="https://IIS_HOST" /> |
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Image Proxy settings |
Pull up the PROXY-V3 mediastore in Process Engine Monitor to see the metadata settings used in proxy creation. If the ProxySubFolderMetadataKey, ProxyFileMetadataKey values differ from the out of the box values ProxySubFolder and ProxyFile, you need to adjust the values for the keys "ImagePathMetadata", "ImageFileMetadata" in Curator Clip Link web.config to match. If the values match there is no further configuration for proxy previews. The same process will be necessary when configuring the Curator for Adobe Image Proxy Settings. |
Replace asset pop-up metadata tabs in order to configure different views |
If you wish to configure additional or different metadata views in tabs, find the <AssetInfo> tag in web.config and configure this providing your view of choice, the name of the tab and whether to display metadata from the asset or its parent in this tab. With parent="true" for clipmarks this will be media metadata and nothing will display for popped up media, audio or images. <AssetInfo> <Tabs> <Tab name="ViewName1" display="Displayed Name of Tab1" parent="false" /> <Tab name="ViewName2" display="Displayed Name of Tab2" parent="false" /> </Tabs> </AssetInfo> |
Enable Clip Link Walkthroughs |
Search for: <Appcues enabled="false" account="68366"> Change false to true: <Appcues enabled="true" account="68366"> |
Configure pinned searches |
In order to enable pinned searches you need to obtain the URL address of the Clip Link page that executed the desired search and provide an identifying image. The image should ideally be in SVG format or if not possible a bitmap image 30px by 30px on a white background. By default Newest Assets pinned search is already configured. Save the configuration of the web.config from the steps so far and open the CuratorClipLink application: https://IIS_SERVER/CuratorClipLink Execute the desired search in Clip Link and copy the URL of the page CuratorClipLink webpage, it will contain a coded search request, copy the entire string to a text editor, remove the leading website address https://IIS_SERVER/CuratorClipLink/ up to but not including first ? and replace all & with & as is required for valid XML. In the web.config locate the <pinnedSearches> tag and following statement <clear/> and the <add ... /> for Newest Assets pinned search insert a new <add /> tag with these details:
Like so: <pinnedSearches> Format these as in the example above, which assumes myImage.png is already placed in [CuratorClipLink deployment folder]/Content/Images/PinnedSearches folder on the IIS_SERVER and shows removed https://IIS_SERVER/CuratorClipLink/ part and substitution of & to & Here is an example of a more realistic search string copied from Curator ClipLink URL, especially with advanced search (from Curator 3.5.1) you should expect long string encoding the search and need to take care to copy the entire string to the end: <add imageFileName="IRbadge.svg" tooltip="Thunderbirds" searchParameters="?tid=gwAik&assetFilter=159&q=*DVC*+OR+Thunderbirds*&s=IngestDateTime&d=1&sd=Created+Date+Time&fs=true&as=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" /> |
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Finish | Save the file. |
Curator Clip Link web.config
Updated on December 10th, 2022