From the Clip Link website within the web.config there is a section in the configuration which allows you to add and remove saved searches to/from Clip Link.
Open up the web.config and Ctrl-F search for Pinned Searches. This will bring you to the relevant section.
Within this block is where we can add and remove saved searches.
In green, we have a description of what is required and an explanation of each element within.
By default, you will have one saved search already labeled as Newest Assets. It's our suggestion you copy this line and paste it below, using it as a template.
The easiest way to create the required searchParameters is to simulate the search you wish to save within Clip Link.
Once simulated (this can be done by looking in your URL to see the words following CuratorClipLink), you can copy the search parameters and paste them into your webconfig searchParameters field.
NOTE: Any ampersands (&) in your search parameters will need to be replaced with %amp;
If you are adding a unique image and referencing it within your new pinned search, the image file must be stored within the website directory referenced.
By default, this is the path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\CuratorClipLink\Content\Images\PinnedSearches
Once you have finished adding your configuration line, save the file and refresh your browser ensuring no caching has been stored from your previous sessions.