Due to the large number of searchable filter options/assets available within Clip Link, it is often beneficial to set up quick filters, or Pinned Searches, improving efficiency for users who may continually use the same set of filter options.
If configured, this functionality adds clickable images to the front page of Clip Link which, when clicked, automatically add customized search terms to the user's URL.
Installation Steps
- Make a list of beneficial pinned search criteria you would like to implement.
- Acquire individual logos that will be used on the front page, sizing the images equally.
- All images will need to be housed on the server where Clip Link is configured and placed, in the following location:
- \CuratorClipLink\Content\Images\PinnedSearches
- All images will need to be housed on the server where Clip Link is configured and placed, in the following location:
- Open the web.config file in your preferred text editor.
- Find the PinnedSearches section.
- Read the commented out section for in-depth information.
- In this example an IPV pinned search is being created:
- <add imageFileName="IPVLogo_Small.png" tooltip="IPV Search" searchParameters="?q=*&assetFilter=159&f=W3siTmFtZSI6InBhcmVudC1CcmFuZCIsIlZhbHVlIjoiSVBWIiwiVHlwZSI6IkVudW0ifV0%3D" />
- To populate searchParameters:
- Log in to Clip Link.
- Select the filter(s) you would like configured within your pinned search.
- Look at the URL.
- Use the text starting with ?q onwards and modify it based on the above example/commented text (Mainly around the use of &’s). An example of this can be seen below:
Before: http://YOURSERVERNAME/CuratorClipLink?q=*&assetFilter=159&f=W3siTmFtZSI6IlZpZGVvQml0UmF0ZSIsIlZhbHVlIjoiMTk2MGtiL3MiLCJUeXBlIjoiVGV4dCJ9LHsiTmFtZSI6IkJyYW5kIiwiVmFsdWUiOiJJUFYiLCJUeXBlIjoiRW51bSJ9XQ%3D%3D
After: ?=*&assetFilter=159&f=W3siTmFtZSI6IlZpZGVvQml0UmF0ZSIsIlZhbHVlIjoiMTk2MGtiL3MiLCJUeXBlIjoiVGV4dCJ9LHsiTmFtZSI6IkJyYW5kIiwiVmFsdWUiOiJJUFYiLCJUeXBlIjoiRW51bSJ9XQ%3D%3D
- Repeat the above for all pinned searches.
- Save web.config.
- Refresh Clip Link and test each pinned search on the home page to ensure functionality.