How to initiate batch export

Updated on December 8th, 2022

Batch exporting allows you to export multiple selected sequences simultaneously. Your selected sequences can all be exported to the same destination, or can each be exported to separate export destinations of your choosing. You may also opt to rename your exported sequences.

Exporting a single sequence

With just one sequence selected from your project bin, on clicking Export, you will be able to select a Sequence (allowing you to pick a different sequence to export from the one you selected), a Destination, and you will be able to update the Output Name(s) for your selected sequence:

Initiating batch export

With multiple sequences selected in your project bin, clicking the Export button provides you with a set of options that is specific to batch exporting.

Sequences can be batch exported in two ways.

Basic batch export

Using the BASIC options, you can export each of your selected files to the same export destination. The destination can be selected using the dropdown:

Output name(s) can only be updated using the ADVANCED options.

Advanced batch export

With the ADVANCED options expanded, you can choose a different export destination for each of your selected files using the dropdown to the right of each listed destination. The exported file names can also be changed by entering text in the Output Name field to overwrite the existing file name(s).

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