Workfront Connector - Workflow Agent configuration

Updated on December 9th, 2022


Within Workflow Agent you need to configure connectivity to Workfront and Curator. This requires information from both systems and is done within three configuration nodes as described below.


  • Workflow Agent - see Workflow Agent Installation Guide

  • Workfront system

    • Create a new user

      • Name: Node Red

      • Access level: System Administrator

      • Email address: node-red@[Insert preferred subdomain].workfront

        • Example: node-red@ipv.workfront

      • Log in as this user to get their API Key. 

Importing “Workfront Integration” Flows:

The Workfront integration flows "WA - Workfront Production Integration.json" file is available from IPV for installation on licensed customer systems.

  1. Import the flows-ensemble-only.json  file into the Workflow Agent

    1. Alternatively: paste the contents of the file into the import text box

  2. Select the “View Nodes” option when prompted with “Some of the nodes you are importing already exist in your workspace”

  3. Make sure that only the “Workfront Integration“ is selected under the Flows tab

  4. Select “Import Selected

Configure Environment Variables for “Workfront Integration“ Flows:

  1. Open the newly imported “Workfront Integration” flow tab:

    1. Navigate to the bottom section titled “WORKFRONT CONFIGURATION SECTION“

  2. Open the first Inject node titled “CONFIGURE ENV VARIABLES & START CONFIG“:

    1. An example of populated env variables can be seen below:

    2. msg.workfront.url

      1. is the base url of the Workfront application, ensure there is no slash at the end of the URL e.g

    3. msg.workfront.apiKey

      1. is the api key of the “Node Red” admin user

      2. found on [base url]/setup/customer-info (if not present select Generate API Key), where base url is configured above.  

    4. msg.workfront.username

      1. is the username/email address of the “Node Red” admin user

    5. msg.workfront.password

      1. is the password of the “Node Red” admin user

    6. msg.curator.url

      1. is the base url of Curator Gateway API, ensure there is no slash at the end of the URL e.g. https://example.curator.server/CuratrorGateway

    7. msg.curator.clientID

      1. is the client id of Workflow Agent in Curator’s Clients section

    8. msg.curator.clientSecret

      1. is the client secret of Workflow Agent in Curator’s Clients section

  3. Open the second Inject node:

    1. An example of populated env variables can be seen below:

    2. msg.payload.emailAddr

      1. is the email address of the user we want to associate with the Curator instance

        1. By specifying the Workfront user:

          1. we are able to limit who has the ability to trigger a production in curator

          2. we are able to use the same Workfront environment for multiple Curator environments

  4. Open the third Inject node:

    1. Example of populated env variables:

    2. msg.webhook.url

      1. is the base url of the EC2 instance hosting the Workflow Agent (Node-Red), ensure there is no slash at the end of the URL

    3. msg.webhook.taskName

      1. is the name of the task that will trigger the event subscription API to send a call to the Workflow Agent.

      2. if using the template of tasks provided as an example, the parent task name is required

  5. Run configuration flows

    1. open the debug window

    2. trigger the first inject node

    3. wait for success messages in debug window

    4. trigger the second inject node

    5. wait for success message in debug window

    6. trigger the third and final inject node

    7. wait for success message in debug window

    8. NOTE: if at any step you receive a failure message:

      1. confirm the variables configured in the relevant node

      2. if failure persists, ask for help

      3. Additional notes:

        1. step f. may fail if this step was completed successfully in a previous run so additional attempts won't create new subscriptions in Workfront (this manifests as a '409 Conflict' response)

  6. Configuration is now complete!


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