Folder Permissions for 3.3

Updated on December 9th, 2022

Apply folder permissions

Execute the steps on this page for the two folders listed below.  The examples are on CuratorGateway but must also be applied to ProgramData\IPV:

  • \inetpub\wwwroot\CuratorGateway
  • \ProgramData\IPV

Open IIS Default Root Folder
Browse to the inetpub\wwwroot folder, this can be accessed quickly through IIS Manager using right-click and Explore on the "Default Web Site":

Open CuratorGateway Properties
Right click the CuratorGateway folder and open its Properties window: 

Click Edit on the Security tab
Open the Security tab and click Edit:

Give IIS_IUSRS Write Permission

Select the "IIS_IUSRS" account and give them the "Write" permission:

 Click Apply and OK when finished.

Open ProgramData Folder
Under the root Windows install directory, find the ProgramData folder:

This folder is a hidden item, to show this folder tick the "Hidden items" box under the View tab:

Open Curator Gateway Properties
Browse down to the IPV folder under ProgramData. Right click on Curator Gateway and open Properties:

Edit Permissions
Under the Security tab, click Edit:

Click Add:
Click Locations, if prompted to login provide valid credentials or credentials to the system, and select the host machine:

In the names box, enter "IIS_IUSRS" and click Check Names:
When finished click OK.

Give IIS_IUSRS Write Permissions
Click on the IIS_IUSRS account and give them Write permissions:

Click Apply and OK when finished.

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