Unable to complete a remote AME conform.
There are a few points where the job can fail.
In Process Engine, you may see the following error message: “Error getting metablob for asset XXXX name PremiereProject – cannot find blob metadata for asset XXXX and metadata name PremiereProject – version ‘unspecified’”.
In the Curator server logs, you will also see a message stating that “Asset XXX does not have required project metadata PremiereProject set or the user does not have permission to read the metadata”.
As the error states, you will need to ensure that the user trying to run the export has the required permission to the metadata. If the metadata for the asset is blank, you will need to do the following:
First, ensure you can create a production in Curator Clip Select and add assets to it. If you’re unable to create a production, you may need to pull the latest workflow Plugin – Create Production from git/Support (back up the current workflow and install the new one).
When you open the scratchpad, you should see two tabs at the top: Scratchpad and Premiere Project Bin. If you do not see the second, then the PRPROJ template cannot be located.
To get this to appear, ensure there are Scratchpad metadata values for PremiereProject. these will need to be created as blob types. Ensure you do the same for CheckOutBy if this also doesn’t exist. The template file will need to be located on a network share that the IPV server and services accounts have access to. Create a DefaultTemplate entry in the system setup workflow to point towards this template file.
You should check the other resources at this point, so that they’re also pointing towards the right network locations. The JSON config file for the panel will also need to have the savedPrProjMetadataName updated to PremiereProject. You can typically find this file at the following location:
C:\Program Files\IPV\Curator\Server\Config\Premiere Pro\Extensions\workgroup[]-user[]-winid[]-machine[]\com.IPV.Extension.config.json
NOTE: C:\Program Files\IPV\Curator is the default install location for Curator, and the last folder will be different if there are multiple workgroups set up.
Within the panel, open the scratchpad and check it out. There is a chance you will encounter the following error message stating: “Http error occurred. Error level: JSON. Error code: 500”.
If this happens, check the Curator Server logs, as it's likely that the user in question does not have write permission to certain metadata. Most commonly the CheckedOutBy field, which requires write permission.
If you see the error “AME provided an invalid/empty job id after job submission”, go to this article.