Workfront Connector - Send To Workfront

Updated on December 9th, 2022

This article describes configuration if the web client

Prerequisites are deployment and configuration of Curator metadata, Curator services, Curator Workflow Agent and your instance of Workfront. 

Ensure that you have completed the steps listed in the Workfront Connector - Curator Configuration article, which will establish the requisite metadata and views as well as the client id for the website within Curator. 

  1. Create the Send To Workfront website
    • In inetpub/wwwroot on an IIS server create a directory called SendToWorkfront
    • Extract the files in the zip folder directly to that directory. You should get 7 files a mixture of png, js, JSON & HTML.

  2. Ensure that the Workfront Connector - Curator configuration is completed and copy the Id of the Send To Workfront client

  3. Configure the website
    In the website inetpub/wwwroot/SendToWorkfront directory locate and edit the config.json file
    • set gatewayUrl to the address of Curator Gateway e.g. https://curator.example.server/CuratorGateway.
    • set clientId to the Id of the Send To Workfront client copied from Curator Gateway in step 2.
    • set mediaStore to "WORKFRONT-UPDATE-PRODUCTION", the name of MediaStore you have created in the Process Engine portion of step 2.
    • if required, change saveMetadata to false. The default is true - the data entered is also saved to Curator, which will keep the project view consistent for Curator and Workfront users 
    • do not alter these entries unless you were specifically advised and you have received a non-default connector configuration:
      "viewName" and "SendToWorkfrontView" (this is the view set during Curator configuration)
      "requiredMetadata""WorkfrontId" (this is essential for the connection to the correct Workfront project)

  4. To test the page 
    • Start Clip Link. If Roles were set in the creation of the Curator client for Send To Workfront, log in as a user with permission to use Send To Workfront
      • Locate a production created in Workfront (verify that it has a value for WorkfrontId metadata)
      • Navigate to Open with > Send To Workfront (right-click the asset or find in the context menu within the asset's tile)
    • Anew browser tab will appear:
      • Alter some of the editable values, then click Submit.
    • Verify that the Process Engine job "Plug-in - Send to GenericV4" has been submitted with sub-process "Transfer Asset to WORKFRONT-UPDATE-PRODUCTION for [username]"  where username will refer to the user who executed the Send To Workfront.

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